What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.


Showing 6 responses by daveyf

@mijostyn   You were asked if you have heard the Shakti's? I know that you have not. I will ask you a question, is it ok to post an opinion on the value and the SQ of any item that you have NOT heard and yet feel like denigrating? If so, then please do keep going with these posts...it will hopefully show all of us where you are coming from.
And to answer your question..yes, I did buy them- and I very much feel that they are a MAJOR part of my system. 
I own and have always been highly impressed by the Shakti’s! One of the best additions I have made to the acoustic treatments in my room. Why the OP has to ’assume’ that these do not work is interesting, perhaps because looking at them they do not look that impressive ( although once placed even that is debatable). BUT since he more than likely has NOT heard what they can do --it gets back to the old aspect about those that ’ass of u and me’..
There are a number of other mods that are questionable ( and yes, I have heard these!) , some of which have been mentioned already, but in the case of the Shakti’s...they are a bad example.
@simao One could ask the same question about what justifies the cost on numerous pieces of gear in this hobby!
If you look at how the Shakti’s are made and what goes into the various aspects of the product to get it to market, I can see where they are coming from with the price, certainly at least as much as a ton of other gear that carries pricing that at first look seems "over the top" ( and most times certainly is). The Shakti’s work well as acoustic treatment...more than can be said for a lot of other gear that is also pricey, and offers less for the $$.
So many naysayers on this thread....question is how many of them have actually heard what the Shakti Hallograph’s can do and have had them in their system? My bet...none of them..:0(

I dont have any problem with folk who have actual experience with this product and have formed a subsequent negative opinion, but to draw conclusions simply by looking at the product on the web...and then come on a forum to denigrate it....not cool~
@mijostyn Thank you for TELLING me what i hear and don't hear in my system...I am off this thread now,  nothing to be gained here!
@mijostyn   You have brought me back to this thread with your ongoing attacks. Firstly, you have absolutely no clue as to what I do and do not do with my system, nor what it sounds like, secondly your ongoing disbelief in gear that you have never heard ( and clearly have no interest in hearing..thereby enlightening yourself) is telling us a lot! The fact that you are a blinkered person and unable to comprehend that not everything that looks unacceptable to your way of thinking may in fact work, also says a lot about you. Lastly I should ask you a question, why are you even in this hobby? After all you seem to know that nothing makes any difference in your system, those power cables are all bogus if they are not meeting your visual requirement, those weird looking foam panels on your wall..just fancy wall coverings right...those big flat panels that vibrate...how can they really work well also...hmmm. 
Now I'm off--