Fuses like any other connector work on transfer with least loss. Everyone already knew that one, right? Then I see people jumping off a dead battery expecting a few hundred (peak) amps to transfer through the .03 square inches of contact surface by way of the teeth on the clamps.
Materials and their design for wiring will make a difference and is perceived by some and not by others. (A big discussion here, often).
F1 drivers feel a difference in a single psi in one tire, but I don't feel it in my Tundra.
Does that mean it Can't make a difference because I couldn't tell?
Lots of Baloney in this hobby creates many questioning of some of these products, but closing your mind, (not you, your question shows your open minded), but many say product or design X CANNOT make a difference.
The original "it can't make a difference" people are still cooking over a campfire just outside their cave.