Mention the most unique song that you have ever listened to.CHOPSTICKS the happy song https://youtu.be/ojNl-xJF_2w
As has been previously mentioned, They're Coming To Take Me Away by Napoleon XIV. I was just a child when this came out, I recall the total strangeness being both intriguing and scary. This song was  totally in my mind when as a child I and best friend rode our bikes perhaps 20 miles one way onto the grounds of a state forensic psychiatric hospital. Very strange and scary experience.

For entire album, Clear Light's Clear Light, one pretty crazy psychedelic album from an era of crazy psychedelia. West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band also has some pretty crazy tracks. They also have an unusual story in that they were largely financed by an older wealthy abusive wanna be hippie who insisted on being part of the band.
I don't know if it is the most unique, but, I nominate Hasil Adkins' "We Got a Date."  This is a self-recorded rockabillly/punk song that came out before mainstream punk became popular.


Nowhere Man The Beatles Yesterday and Today 1966

Babies on Fire Brian Eno Here Come the Warm Jets 1973

The Great Pretender Brian Eno Taking Tiger Mountain 1974

O Superman Laurie Anderson 1981

Revolution 9, The Beatles

Valley Girl,  Moon Unit Zappa

As to most "unique" that I actually listen to fairly often. . .

Danko/Manuel,  Drive By Truckers/ Jason Isbell

MacArthur Park, covered by many, Four Tops probably my favorite version

Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding, Elton John

Highwayman, the Highwaymen

Two Jimmy Webb compositions on here.  He had a lot of stuff one could fairly call unique.