What is the best order to upgrade a power cable loom? Thanks.

I'm about to upgrade my power cable loom from the out of the box, generic cables for two channel stereo.  I have been told the best order, or descending priority order, is first upgrade the power cord from the wall to the power distribution strip, then the pre-amp, then the integrated amp and last the turntable.   Please do you have any thoughts and/or experiences?  Specific thoughts and/or experiences with Nordost?  Thank you in advance! :-)  

Showing 2 responses by inna

Potential problem with first getting just one power cord and trying it everywhere one by one is that different components may require different power cords. Unless, and even possibly then, you go with top of the line for all components.
I like and use Purist Audio and Wywires cords.
My best guess would be, yes, to start with the power cord from the wall. Question is which one ?
Wywires has a 30 day return policy and his cables and cords are on sale now. You could try Platinum High Current. Or Silver HC. I use Silver Digital with my DAC. I did try it from the wall to power regenerator. It was pretty good but Purist was better. For the DAC, however, the Wywires was better.