What is the best amp pairing you have personally made with the Klipsch La Scala AL-5

I'm going to make a change in my 2nd system that uses Klipsch La Scala AL-5 speakers.  I am looking for the dream pairing!   Batter-Up and thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

Art Audio Diavolo.  It is a 300B based SET and has a very classic sound but is insanely quiet.  This is a truly great amp.  

I am the importer of Art Audio so I am obviously biased but a classic sounding 300B SET will make them shine like the sun.  There as some 300Bs that are less of a good fit as they are more linear.   

845s and PX25s are a bit too linear.  A good EL34 amp will work but you want a less modern design as you want it to be rolled off a bit.  I can think a few products that might be a little bright.