... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...

Hello to all...

Was reading on a cable/interconnect manufacturers' site that they recommend min 350 preferrably 450 hrs Burn-In time, and 2 to preferably 24 hrs Settling Time (after plugged and unplugged).

Have never heard the term Settling Time: what is it, how is it done, what effect would it have if done or not done, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - would like to hear from someone who has actually done this and your impressions...

Living Life and finding new music to listen too,,,good music and accepting how it sounds on my current audio rig
Cables, breakin time, OMG,who has time for this hobby. I would think if you turn on your systen and it does not sound good, get some speakers, a amp,or a new cd player, or a new life! I have been in audio for 30 yrs and I read these posts and cant help but to think we are putting too much effort into this insanity. I am also guilty of trying to achieve audio perfection but as we try to chase this insanity, if any abstract audio improvent idea sounds like something that will change our lives. Trust me,,,,it dosent exist! If you need a new sound,,,change something meangingful in your system,,,or get a new life!!!!!!!!
"I get my cables from unused NASA surplus shuttle maintenance stores that have been flown into space because it gets exposed to beneficial quantum radiation particle bombardment, then I have them professionally massaged in an oxygen free hypobaric chamber as the connectors are attached. I must say that bathing the cables in liquid nitrogen just prior to every listening session really sweetens the sound too, but sometimes my cat gets it's tongue stuck."  
I'm just another Newbee so what do I know. But I have to agree that a broken in cable should not be moved around. They (cables) are just like us humans. If we settled in on a nice place, never move us from there. Same goes for interconnects. Don't change the right one to suddenly bear the left signal.
Sorry, if I got something wrong.
Worrywarts = audiophiles 😬

People who can hear it = audiophiles 🤗
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I know that the Cerious Technologies Graphene and Matrix cables need time to settle in after you install them and or move them. I believe it has something to do with the Graphene possibly?
Perhaps if the manufacturer @rgrost has the time he can add his expertise?
my cables are recommended for a few hundred hours break in and a week settling
no one is questioning your interest in the topic, simply that there are many many threads, even very recent ones, that cover this endlessly
“What’s in the air,” cable settling time and cable burn in time are what we call INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. They must be considered individually independent of the others. And they are not the only variables involved, either.
In my opinion, I don't buy into everything mentioned in the above posted video. Many with degrees and/or highly educated in electronics are quick to judge a concept and say it can't happen, however, they don't attempt to explain why the listener can hear a difference other than saying it's your mind or ears fooling one's self.
I'll believe what I hear over theory every time, and I won't have a scientific theory to prove when I hear.

Always find these discussions interesting. This is an obvious, but effective demonstration of what resides in the "air" around us. 

Consider how low the signals are that make the sound happen that we all enjoy. Then take into consideration the amount of electrical noise that is currently being generated by all of the local "things" in our homes as well as all the signals being pumped through our environment. It seems only reasonable that the question posed by the OP is in fact, relevant.

Enjoy this simple little video...


@justvintagestuff what does TNSHO mean?   And could you point to the thread where you found this topic as I am interested.

There is always a tension on forums between new members and old members regarding discussions which have happened before.  Older members seem intolerant of newer members wishing to open debates again.   I don’t understand why older members can’t just ignore the thread and move on, as you say.   But for whatever reason they seem unable to do this and instead want to tell you what you should or shouldn’t post, their seniority (in terms of posting numbers or years on the forum) giving them the right to do so.  Often you’ll be told to go and search for a previous debate  on the subject as if that had not occurred to you.  

Best to ignore and post what you want to post.  If it’s a controversial debate then the people who are exhausted debating can keep away. 
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I have found owning a Audiostore in the U.K  that the dielectric 
type and thickness much more so dictates breakin then thewire itself.Teflon by far the biggest offender as the same thing applies 
in Teflon capacitors especially VH Audio for example.
3-400 hours is usually sufficient .
digital can take sometimes longer because of  the small amount of voltages applied.
How much time do you have.? We haven’t even talked about vibration and static electrical charges and their effects on cables. It all depends on where you get off the whole cable thing as to how much effort and cost you’re willing to commit to the cable project. Then we come to the Tweaks. The creams, the sprays, the cable wraps, the suspensions, the....😬
Never mind stevechamdid as search and see this has been a topic...

stevehamp: sure - tell me how to cancel this topic/forum, and I'll gladly go elsewhere...
AND WHY WOULD YOU EVEN WASTE MY TIME AND YOURS BY REPLYING WITH SUCH AN UNHELPFUL COMMENT! I wonder why you just wouldn't share your expansive knowledge - or maybe because the lion-share of you just-shy of 3000 posts are useless fodder like your most recent...
Here we go again, and again, and again...can we give this topic a rest please?
...oh and yes - before it becomes THE TOPIC of this discussion - I have been labelled A NEWBEE, so I beg your tolerance and hope to benefit from those not-so-newbees who will share (surely) not only their real-world experiences but TNSHO ...