... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...

Hello to all...

Was reading on a cable/interconnect manufacturers' site that they recommend min 350 preferrably 450 hrs Burn-In time, and 2 to preferably 24 hrs Settling Time (after plugged and unplugged).

Have never heard the term Settling Time: what is it, how is it done, what effect would it have if done or not done, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - would like to hear from someone who has actually done this and your impressions...


Showing 4 responses by sejodiren

"I get my cables from unused NASA surplus shuttle maintenance stores that have been flown into space because it gets exposed to beneficial quantum radiation particle bombardment, then I have them professionally massaged in an oxygen free hypobaric chamber as the connectors are attached. I must say that bathing the cables in liquid nitrogen just prior to every listening session really sweetens the sound too, but sometimes my cat gets it's tongue stuck."  
@cakyol.....yes, I had forgotten about that. I also found when my system was fired up in Antarctica, due to the extreme sun angle and during a raging blizzard that it’s sound quality diminished.......somewhat. So I just took all my cables and dragged them around out in the snow.....problem solved!
@glupson.... "So I just took all my cables and dragged them around out in the snow...."Nothing works like good old cryoing the cables. And you did it in organic and gluten-free way. Kudos to you. No wonder they sounded better. Could ears falling off have also influenced the sound to some extent? Maybe that is all that Van Gogh was trying to achieve. Get sweeter timbre and faster transients."
Yes, I actually forgot to put down a flap on my Russian snow hat.....lost an ear. Much sweeter transients and timbre on my right side..... Happy for that balance knob too. Plus had to upgrade the gauge of speaker wire on the left side to help compensate.  Thank you Home Depot.....
It's possible to be humorous without belittling or disrespecting another's opinion.  Interesting thread for sure and I had some good laughs myself...