What happened to Jfox

There was once an active contributor to the Audiogon Forums who went by the name Jfox. He was a very knowledgeable audiophile who had a very fine system: Sound Lab A-1 speakers, Aesthetix Io phono, Calisto pre,and Cat amps. He was a fine writer who contributed a lot. Since around 2005, he seems to have dropped out of sight. Does anyone remember him and know what happened? I would appreciate hearing. Thanks, Tom
Welcome back, Jafox!

Agree with my friend Denis' (Springbok10) statements about Bill (AudioFeil) Feil. Bill's a fantastic, warm-hearted, generous, funny, supremely intelligent / wise person. Obviously, he had little tolerance for fools or a lot of the BS that goes on in these threads with some of the manufacturers, importers / distributors, or dealers. His position, if you intend to advertise here on this site, instead of polluting the discussion forums, man up and pay for an actual ad.
There are a lot of us that miss Audiofeil's irreverent, witty perspectives, a breath of fresh air on many forums in the past - it's fun to occasionally dispense with PC, as he does. Yet he followed the ethic of not pushing his own wares impeccably- something many other dealers/distributors could heed. He quit because he was judged to be at fault for a transaction that resulted in damage, claimed 3 weeks later, and left on principle.
San Clemente?! I live there too and have also lived in Minnesota (Bloomington). Hard to beat the weather and life style here though nothing ever compares to home. With real estate prices the way they are here I have given up my dream of ever having a decent sized music room so I have to be satisfied with my small setup in the spare bedroom. I am actually quite happy with what I have achieved so far once I recalibrated my expectations.
John, it's great to hear from you again my friend! What an adventure you've been on. Personally, I'd rather stay in San Clemente than return to Minnesota, but we are all different, and we all have roots. As my job was crumbling, I was offered a temporary transfer from my home here in PA to Los Angeles. I took it and worked out there for 10 months. I loved it, and so did my wife!

At the end of 1 year, corporate says that all temporary transfers must end, either become permanent, or leave. So I was offered a full time position, but due to family obligations and timing, I had to turn it down (July 2011)and return to PA. Today, I would have gladly accepted that job, as my youngest son is now out of college and we are finally empty nesters. Life is all about timing, but we LOVED SoCal!! PA is so boooooring now...LOL!! We would have probably been better off had we never known how great life can be in SoCal!!

Anyway, my audio experiences are somewhat similar to yours, as I am now unemployed, and have sold off most everything I had of the old big rig. I still have a very nice system by many standards, but much more mid-fi compared to the old glory days. The job market is weak, and at my age I think that even when I do find work it will pay substantially less money, so for me, the golden age of audio appears to be over.

I do still enjoy reading and listening to the adventures of others though. Welcome back! It's great to hear from you again!! Newport Beach is a very ritzy area, but a lot of fun to pass through. I should have gone to the show in 2011 while I was out there!

Wow! What an honor. Oh my gosh. Thank you.

I have not written much here the last 3 or so years since I accepted a job in San Clemente for a company that builds a very specialized implantable cardiovascular device that uses no leads directly to the heart! And of course, we got gobbled up by a twin cities company, so I hope to be returning to MN by the end of the year.

Not sure where to start or how to thank everyone here for their very nice comments. I read the forums here occasionally but with me away from my magical minnesota music box, I have been very much out of touch with keeping up on the latest breakthroughs. And the comment above about not wanting to rehash the same debates such as the importance of cables, modifications, the power of tube rolling, etc., has put my focus elsewhere. But it's nice to be back.

Apt. life has pushed me into audio's mid-tier zone…..but this has been a fun adventure to discover the magic of 20-30 year designs that nobody ever knew was possible. Having a pair of Jade Ref ICs in such a system is major crazy expensive, but it makes one aware of how good some of the components were long ago. I will share some of my happy findings in my current "budget" system in a follow-on writeup here. But first, I would like to share some experiences at the recent Newport Audio Shows here.

Sadly, this year's show is best described as one word: disappointing. Whereas last year and the previous year, there were several setups in the $10-20k system price that just knocked my socks off. I don't know if it is limited time for setup or the challenges of the hotel rooms, or what, but the $100k+ based systems do not justify their cost with such auditions there…..with one exception…..the demo of the Estelon speakers. Wow, wow, wow! But overall, the focus seems to be again and again about detail and I walk away nearly every time asking, "where's the dimensionality?"

At these shows, it seems like there's not much focus to assemble a SYSTEM. Too many setups with a $15k source, $2k of crappy solid state electronics, often ignoring cables altogether, and then a pair $2-3k or $10-20k speakers! I can understand the skepticism on the importance of cables, but electronics? still?

The little $2k Napa systems conquered several systems that were much more expensive. Sadly, only one room really got my full salute this year - as always the Von Gaylord systems are exceptional. And this year was no different. The previous two years I camped in the Nola speaker room. This year it was good too, but not like before. The Nola Contender speakers at $3600 have no competition……just incredible. The designer said to me more than once, "you again?" Yes, they were so very good…..and with mid-line ARC integrated amp and CD player. I ended up buying the Nola Boxers for my apt.

The only other overall presentation that impressed me greatly this year was the SoundLab room. They sounded so good even with mediocre (at best) electronics. if the dealer listens to these speakers with those electronics, he has no idea what these speakers really can do. Gosh I would have loved to just drop in the Aria preamp at that moment! But they sounded so good! Made me smile.

Other product lines that caught my attention were the Totem speakers (oh my, so good!) and systems with Cary tube electronics. If I were to start from scratch, I would do a serious shootout between Cary and Von Gaylord, pick the "winner" and set that as my reference point. And I know nothing about these lines.

A few times I went into JD mode and moved a chair to near field position. I got a few looks but I also told the presenter that he should try it some day. Maybe they did later when nobody was looking. 8-)

Not having much experience with mid-level systems, I have learned much in the 3+ years here, but sadly, not much from going to these shows. The Napa systems made me very aware what magic can be had for cheap but I want more. One does not easily transition from SoundLabs, Cat amps and the Aria preamp to a $2k system of a zillion compromises, but the Napa system is an awesome start and then to work back up. And moving to a dedicated basement room for a system and then to an apt living room 2/3 the size has been a challenge. But there have been a few WOW moments and discoveries here and also at a friend's house nearby. When you take a 30 year old tube preamp to a friend's home and replace theirs with this, and your friend's wife from an adjacent room suddenly asks what just happened because she never heard music like that in their home ….. mission accomplished! Another convert. 8-)

More next time on my apt system and comments on a few pieces I bought/sold/kept from A'gon activities.

Thank you again.

I am a newcomer here but already quite appreciate the many knowledgeable members who contribute, and do so with tact. After being a member of the avs forum for several years, I left there tired of the bickering and small mindedness that occurs regarding science and double blind testing.

There is difference of opinion here too of course, but it's handled with respect and maturity. The knowledge is really appreciated too.
I believe some valued contributors to this and similar sites may reach a saturation point and find that topics/debates become redundant and non productive. How much more can be said about certain popular topics such as tube-solid state, digital-analog, high power-low power amps, box -panel-horn speakers,silver-copper etc. They eventually find other areas of interest to pursue, while still enjoying listening to music minus the talk about audio equipment.
I had an e-mail discussion with John a couple of months ago and as Jade mentioned, he is indeed alive and well in the land of gold (CA).

Several years ago, I began communicating with John because he owned the same amps and speakers as I. I was seeking to obtain some of his tube rolling experience and he provided it in spades. Interestingly, as with any good tutor or teacher, John made me do some of the heavy lifting along the way by doing some homework etc., but because he and I think about that subject quite alike, I enjoyed the challenge and the research it entailed.

Although John and I have communicated via e-mails many times over the last few years, we have never formally met. Be that as it may, John suggested that I try some interconnects for which he was quite fond, and sight unseen, and without funds exchanged, John sent me his quite expensive IC’s. I realize that one can gain a feel for someone else via e-mail, but there is always a risk associated with such endeavors and I appreciated John’s vote of confidence and very kind and generous offer more than he knew!

That lending experience, and John’s posts, reviews, and off-line suggestions have made me a more knowledgeable audiophile and have enabled me to significantly improve my system.

I look forward to the day when the time becomes more conducive for John to again post on the ‘Gon with the frequency and aplomb some of us have come to expect!

Best Wishes and thanks for your friendship all your help John!

While on the subject, how about audiofeil. He kept things interesting, that's for sure. His audio store's website is still active.
J.D., it's always good to hear from you my old friend! I hope you and your family are well, though I know that you are still waiting.
Thanks for the update on John. Next time that you see him, please tell him I said "Hello".

Interestingly enough part of my extended absence from this site a couple of years ago was due to a temporary work transfer to Southern California as well. Work is getting harder and harder to find these days. I'm glad I am not younger!!


PS: Now that you mention Kelly and his legal work, it did jog my memory. I believe that you are correct again.
Jade is correct. I remember an old thread where Cornfed explained his departure. I also remember Jmcgrogan saying goodbye and explaining why. Good to have you back!!
John, I believe Kelly did some legal work for Audiogon back in the day and felt it was a conflict to join in the forums too. I miss him very much.
Jafox is alive and well. He moved to southern California for a extended job opportunity. He comes back to Minneapolis a couple times a year, and he is hoping to come back for good soon.

His system is all boxed up and remains in Minneapolis while he has built a fine mid-level system to enjoy while he is gone.

I believe he stays in touch with the Audiogon forums and with the listings. He saw a pre-amp that he made me buy, so I know he stays active on the gone.

He is a good audio friend and I miss him and his input. Seeing him only a couple times a year is way to little. I'm sure he'll return when he has the time and has things to contribute.

There are a number of the original members that have fallen by the way side. I assume they stay active reading, but just grew tired of arguing the same points over and over.

Let's all chime in and maybe Jafox will join in too.

Sorry if you all have tried this but what about sending Tvad and JaFox private messages through the newer system? Maybe they might reply there. Maybe they got disgruntled with the upgrade and/or moderation and haven't been back due to that. If they see that things are getting a bit better they'll possibly start interacting more.
Or for that matter, if you want to go back a really long time, whatever happened to Cornfedboy (Kelly)?

Ditto what Mitch said....people walk into and out of your life. Some decide that there is simply nothing more to be said or done in this hobby and find other interests, much like moving on to another job in another city. That is life.

Like I said in my first post, I just hope that John is healthy and happy.
TWB2, look around your neighborhood, your job and your friendships. you'll notice some notable absentees. You'll find that your aquaintences on the 'Gon mirror your aquaintences in life..... if you stay long enough, it's sure to change.
Thank you Jmcgrogan2. That is indeed the person I was referring to. We can only hope Jafox returns as he had a lot of audio wisdom to share, and is a very articulate writer. He is missed indeed.
When I first joined here a few years ago I spent many hours reading the old archived threads. There were a number of members of seemingly great character who posted quite often years ago and really made this sight great.
They are surely missed.
I believe you mean Jafox. There is a Jfox member on Audiogon, but that member has no feedback or forum posts. Jafox's name is John Fox, he is a friend of J.D. MacRae, of Jade Audio, and lives in Minnesota. He was a wonderful contributor to these forums, I learned a lot from him over the years. He seems to have lost some interest in this site, but I cannot say why. The latest post I see by him is dated 4-14-13 in a reply to his only review, or the Aria WV5 XL (Line Stage only) Tube preamp

He also has a system listed as of 4-29-12.

For the most part though he has been MIA on these forums for the last several years. I don't know why, but his presence is missed by me as well. I hope that he is well and happy.
