What exactly is textural density??

I’m sorry, I am new to the high end audio world. I read this sentence and could not understand any of it. Can you help?

This enhanced textural density seemed good because when I’ve experienced it before, it indicated that the transducer was tracking the signal like a race car with fresh, sticky tires.



Showing 2 responses by dadork

Once again someone is trying to learn something audio from an audio forum and they get slammed by a couple of snobs. Good job.
@oldhvymec It's not derivative of German though I've heard it used as a term for whale penis as well if you'd like. It came from the common usage as was stated by @anotherbob and for the very same reason. Luckily I grew out of it, served in the Army though never went through what you did, fortunately. I own a small paint contracting company and enjoy the same pursuit as presumably everybody else does on this forum. Wish I'd chosen another username, didn't plan on sticking around but oh well...