If you are a hi-fi magazine writer, you are largely describing sound.
This is certainly not easy and you need real talent, nay imagination, to invent hundreds of expressions to do that. Otherwise every month's copy would be much the same.
It appears that the creators of the most flowery, ambiguous and vaccuous expressions are the most successful hi-fi writers.
My advice, Erik: read John Atkinson, not Herb Reichert, as I have done for more than 40 years.
This is certainly not easy and you need real talent, nay imagination, to invent hundreds of expressions to do that. Otherwise every month's copy would be much the same.
It appears that the creators of the most flowery, ambiguous and vaccuous expressions are the most successful hi-fi writers.
My advice, Erik: read John Atkinson, not Herb Reichert, as I have done for more than 40 years.