What does one do with old outdated audio equipment?

I'm honestly at a loss as what to do with my old equipment that's been sitting in my basement for a couple of years. There are: 2 citation 19 amps, a citation 17 pre and a set of jbl L 212 speakers. I havn't any use for them and cannot imagine anyone else having any use for them, they're soo old. Does anyone know of appropriate grave yards for these thing?

Showing 1 response by rsuminsby

I like Alexanderj's suggestion...create a new audiophile. But here's one of my selfish "audio fantisies"...I hate to part with old gear, becuase someday when i'm fabulously wealthy, I'd like to have an audio museum of all the gear I ever owned...starting with the Empire Troubadour turntable i bought in high school!