What does everyone think of Zu Cables Wax?

I recently traded my Naim amps for a YBa Passion, and my speakers are Audio Physic Virgos. I need to find speaker cables to replace my Naim cables. I bough some cheapo Belden wire recently, but it doesn't do it for me, so I guess I am beginning to think that there may be something to cables afterall. I have been considering Kimber 8TC, Oval 9, and Anti-cables. I'm somewhat intrigued by Zu- does anyone have any experience with these cables, aprticulalrly the Wax model.


Showing 1 response by pops

Bruce, you can't go wrong with Kimber 8TC, you should also consider Alpha Core Goertz MI 2's. They are very balanced from top to bottom and offer excellent clarity.