What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like?

I recently added a 2nd Luxman MQ-88uSE to my 2 channel system, bridged to mono so I am running a Luxman to each of my 6ohm Volti Rivals.

The SE version of this Luxman amp only has single speaker taps which output 25Wpc to 6 ohms, and 20Wpc to 4 ohms and 8 ohms (from the manual). I used a jumper between each of the "positive" taps so I am not sure what the bridged output is to the 6 ohm Rivals.

Now what I am hearing is definitely more power and presence in the sound, better bass, as well as improved separation. BUT occasionally I am hearing what sounds like a bit of breakup deep in the mix of some songs. Like the whole channel isn’t breaking up, but suddenly a rhythm guitar part sounds noisy like it’s being played through an AM radio or something. On some songs, the entire mix may sound reduced in scale and less dynamic.

I am not sure if my ears are playing tricks on me, or if I’m crazy, or if there could be something happening in the pairing of these amps and speakers that is bad for the equipment and sound. I realize this is a complicated issue because one amp is brand new and the other is broken in, and they are both tube amps., So chasing down the culprit could get messy.

Is it possible there are impedance issues at play here? What would that sound like?


Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

Interesting diagram, and that means I'm out of my experience level. I've never seen an amp "bridgeable" like this before, but the high output impedance of the transformer probably makes it less frightening than a SS amp with feedback coupled output stages. 
Sorry, if you are using different output amps, your set up would look more like this:

Amp 1 - L  ( + ) ------> L Speaker HF (+)
Amp 1 - L (-) .------->  L Speaker HF (-)

Amp 1 - R ( + ) ------>  R Speaker HF (+)
Amp 1 - R (-) .------->  R Speaker HF (-)
If you are attempting passive bi-amping:

Amp L ( + ) ------ Speaker HF (+)
Amp L (-) .-------> Speaker HF (-) 

Amp R ( + ) ------ Speaker Low F (+)
Amp R (-) .-------> Speaker Low F (-)

In neither case should the (+) amp terminals touch each other, even from matched amps. The slightest (0.001V) variation in output can induce significant current as the sides fight for the right value. 


Wait, when you bridge an amp you run:

Amp L  (+)  ---> Speaker (+)

Amp R (+) ---> Speaker (-)

That doesn't sound like what you are describing.