What do you drive and why?

Just got a 2019 Subaru Forester. Had a 2012 till someone decided to T-bone me on the drivers side. The car held up very well to the impact. Walked away even though the damage was such insurance called it a total loss. Safety was a main consideration in getting the new one, plus the AWD system, improved mileage and reliability of the brand. Had an older Honda CRV (2006) and almost bought another, great small SUV.
So what do you drive and why?
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Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Used to have a Forester. Long drives always gave me knee problems. Rented a recent model, same deal. There's some weird ergonomics happening between the seat and gas pedal.

Last was an Audi, loved it, moved to not needing a car, but a Toyota Highlander may be in my future.