What do you consider "loud" for your system?

Just curious about this. I recently listened to the SACD version of Dark Side of the Moon. My volume level was at approximately 65% of full throttle. On my handy little Radio Shack Sound Level meter, I registered and average 90db with peaks of 96db. That was using the "C" weighted setting. Basic info - I sit 10' feet from the front of the speakers. The room is 15' X 23' with 8' 6"ceiling height. It was enjoyably loud, but not ear shattering. What do others consider "loud" and at what volume level?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

What do you mean, "loud"? The same volume that is never loud enough when playing Nilsson Jump Into The Fire is way too loud when playing Jennifer Warnes Song of Bernadette. Loud is like the garishly made up lady Doug MacLeod talks about who asks him, "Are you loud?" to which he replies, "Ma'am, compared to your makeup, we're mute."