What do modern, current day CD Transports do that older CDP's with RCA digital out don't?

I have read a few posts saying that even a modern inexpensive CD transport can sound better with modern DACs than older, more expensive CD players equipped with digital outputs (RCA digital output).

I understand very old CD players with optical outputs only can be poorer sounding due to the optical interface. But I would be curious to learn about how a nice $2000 Sony ES or Marantz higher grade CD player from 12-15 years ago, with RCA digital out won’t work just as well feeding a DAC as say, an modern Audiolab slot loading transport for about $600.  Let's consider the older player is working without problems, like bad laser or mechanical problems.

Hopeful that someone here can explain what the new stuff has on board that works in their favor.


Showing 5 responses by charles1dad


Hifi+ reviewer Roy Gregory is very good and thoughtful in his writing approach. He is spot on making the case that CD transports are at their best when dedicated to the singular objective of managing Redbook CD rather than the multi-format/task/feature option.

Put all resources toward the "CD" transport role. No wonder he finds the CEC TL5 to easily sound much better than the CEC CD5 player when used as a transport. In these scenarios, narrow and sharp single purpose focus beats "Jack of all trades" concept. I completely agree. Pro-Ject adapted this same mindset with their RS2T. Do one thing and do it very well. BTW I also agree with his observation regarding top loader versus tray loading CD transports. He is keen and astute in my opinion. 


So, yes, I think a dedicated CDT is the way to go. When Technics finally gets their act together and starts shipping their SU-G700M2 integrated, I plan on getting the TL5.

There are  very good quality CD transports available and this would qualify as one of them. I can't imagine there'd be any regrets.


if your CDP sounds better than streaming, it pretty much says you have not kept up in the "arms race" for a streamin set up.

I disagree, they can definitely go toe to toe, you can easily increase the sound quality with either a transport or music server/streamer. It depends on how far one is willing to go in terms of budget comfort zone.

Both of these digital source components can range from "just ok" to uber level of performance. Examples of superb design, engineering and implementation exist for either source  options.


I have read a few posts saying that even a modern inexpensive CD transport can sound better with modern DACs than older, more expensive CD players equipped with digital outputs (RCA digital output)

Well the OP mentioned " inexpensive CD transports,"  but perhaps my inference is wrong. Anyway I’m sure he appreciates all responses.



That's a nice and detailed description of the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2T you posted but it retails for 3200.00 USD. I believe that the OP is more interested in the Audiolab slot loading transport that goes for 600.00 USD. Very different price point and market target.
