what did you purchase after PS AUDIO GCPH PHONO?

I currently own rega P5 with DV 10x5
I am trying to upgrade my analog set up and i have been advice to start with a big jump upgrading the phono stage,
wondering PS audio owners where did you go after selling this one.
Thank you all.
After the GCPH, I went for a Simaudio Moon LP 5.3 with outboard power supply. It was a large step up from the GCPH. Now I use a Modwright SWP 9.0 SE, with upgraded power supply, which is better yet.

Good luck, regards,
Manley Chinook. The PS Audio GCPH is a very nice unit, especially in the used $5-600 range. But at 4 times the price, the Manley is better in every aspect, as it should be but adds that tube magic to your vinyl that the GCPH can't touch.
I just upgraded to a Pass Labs XP15. Immense improvement in every way. Liquid three dimensional enveloping soundstage with incredible bass control. I always thought the GCPH was the weak link in my system and I now have no doubt. The more I work on fine tuning my system the more I am convinced all components are important but the most important are those at the heart of the system--the preamp and phono pre. Don't scrimp on those. They are hardest to get right and make a huge impact simce they handle low level signals and have to interface with the rest of the system Good luck and enjoy the ride.
In your search you should include the Liberty B2B-1

And yes I do make them.

As Always Good Listening

Today i came home and i compared the PS audio with the built in luxman 550 A II phono.
The music on the luxman opened up and certainly shame the ps audio
But i continue listening to your experiences without
buying anything.
Pbnaudio your product could be the greatest but in the way you promotion the item doesn't match my views of business.
let others discover how good the Liberty is instead of yourself saying great things or encouraging to buy.

I had seem the same post by you in any phono advice threads,
good luck but not with me, i will continue my search.

Fair enough - but please notice that I did not put any opinion in my post nor did I encourage you to buy anything. I just pointed out that you should take a look at it too, then you can decide if it was something you wanted to pursue.

Best of Luck

Have never heard the Liberty (and am extremely happy with the SimAudio Moon 5.3 with external power supply I just replaced by P75 with), but based on reviews and specs it does certainly seem worth taking a close look at. I have no problem with a manufacturer suggesting you look at his product. He makes no claims for it in this forum, and identifies himself as the manufacturer (if he hadn't done that it would be a problem in my book).

Anyway, loads of great phono stages out there. Most important is to try them in your system to see what works best in your particular rig.
I also have a simaudio Lp5.3 with outboard power supply, but I kept the GCPh for my den system. I like the easy adjustments on the GCPH for testing multiple cartridges, and with remote volume, phase and mono, I run it straight into my Nobis Contigore tube amp, bypassing any preamp. Lovely sound.
I sent my my GCPH to the Parts Connexion to be modified. What I got back was a night and day improvement. After I got bored with that, I took the next step and added a Bob's Devices Cinemag 1131 step up transformer. This again took my GCPH to another level. I have no intention of trading this in for a Chinook, XP15 or anything else in the near future.