What did you make for Christmas?

I made Oso Buco and a new turntable. Well not quite a new turntable. But it sure sounds like that's what I did!

Disassembled it, all the way down to having the bearing apart. Its the Teres bearing which you can see Chris originally used a Delrin thrust plate and stainless ball bearing. http://www.teresaudio.com/project/bearing.jpg Extremely smooth and quiet, but the Delrin would wear so he went to teflon over brass which lasted longer but the teflon wore out even faster than the Delrin. 

My solution after a lot of research was a tungsten carbide thrust plate and silicon carbide ball bearing. These materials are so hard that the wear point even after years of play is a teeny tiny little dot smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. 

This was good but not quite as silent. But the silent solution wasn't silent for long and then was replaced by a low rumble. So a good tradeoff. But a tradeoff nonetheless. Wanted something better and with fO.q tape I finally found it!

With the bearing completely disassembled and clean a small piece of fO.q tape is stuck on the bottom of the thrust plate. This adds vibration control and damping while retaining hard wear performance. Here is some info on the bearing and a view in cross section. http://www.teresaudio.com/manuals/Bearing_Manual.pdf The tape does raise the bearing shaft somewhat and this will reduce the journal surface area a bit but only about a half a mm, but keep this in mind as it does raise the platter requiring VTA adjustment later.

Next a washer of fO.q tape was cut to go around the bearing mount hole. Then a strip of fO.q tape is run around the large BDR bearing fastener nut. Look close at picture #19 the big round piece directly under the center of the plinth is threaded and serves as the nut that fastens the bearing. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367#&gid=1&pid=19 In this way now the bearing and platter are held rigid by the extremely stiff BDR Shelf material, while also being suspended by the layer of vibration killing fO.q tape. 

On the top, picture #13, a hand made carbon fiber washer holds the record up just slightly above the platter. I put another gasket of fO.q tape on top of the washer. Another strip of fO.q tape runs along the perimeter of the record clamp. Tightening the clamp forces the edges down onto the platter, creating a contact area equivalent to a vacuum hold down system. That's no idle boast either. When the clamp is removed after playing the record stays stuck to the platter by atmospheric pressure. No kidding. Freaking impress myself.

Next, cut a piece of fO.q tape to perfectly fit the tone arm head shell. Very time consuming but totally worth it. Because now not only is the headshell vibration damped but the Koetsu is mounted directly onto the tape. All original holes are maintained and so the Synergistic PHT go right back where they were. See images. Although these are before images its very hard to see the tape anyway. These are all very stealthy mods! 

There's room for another fO.q gasket where the tone arm mounts, but I decided to call it for this time as I had something even better in mind for this Christmas- Active Shielding!  

Synergistic Research Active Shielding really is just a wire mesh around the cable with 30 VDC on it. Battery strap is wire mesh. Slid the phono leads inside some battery strap, stuck a resistor and cap in series, connect to a Synergistic wall wart, presto change-o we have Active Shielding!

Not just any old Active Shielding, of course. These wall warts were sent off to Michael Spallone for better caps, diodes, and point to point wiring. Something I could easily do myself but there's like 50 diodes and caps to choose from, Michael has done the hard work of finding the best sounding ones, and doesn't charge much, so support the guy, okay? Fabulous mod by the way, did the Tesla ones for my CTS cables, totally ups their game.

So with Active Shielding added the leads and the arm and everything goes back together. There's a whole bunch more stuff I have in mind but its Christmas I want to play with my new toys and this should be big.

Was it ever! Like a whole new rig! Eyeballed VTA, then dialed in by ear, which by the time that was done wow, what a difference! Active Shielding power supplies and stuff, even cold zero hours, this all was a huge improvement. Piano and guitar on Year of the Cat were like some killer audiophile recording now not the run of the mill sound it was before. Groove noise and the noise floor in general were way lower. Way lower! 

This was by the way all accomplished with a $60 sheet of fO.q tape (less than 10% of it) $30 worth of battery strap, etc, and $60 worth of Michael Spallone. $150, maybe $200 all-in. For improvement on par with about a $10k turntable upgrade. No kidding. This was huge. Images float magnificently. Tchaikovsky White Hot Stampers are a religious experience. Best Christmas in years. Even the Oso Buco, red wine and organic fennel pollen in the gravy, delish!

Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!

Showing 10 responses by millercarbon

Thanks, and yes, it is a stunner. There's an acrylic polish made for aquariums makes it even more crystal clear than new and when spinning is a sight to behold. Every once in a while I polish it up and the lead shot is surprisingly sparkly its a jewel.  

Its so beautiful in fact it has held me back a little. The platters on these are very easily interchangeable and Chris did a demo one time plain acrylic, mine, some new black synthetic material, and cocobolo. The black one and cocobolo were each a clear step up. But black was a hockey puck, cocobolo wood, neither look as good, and the cost/performance ratio wasn't anywhere near enough to offset the looks.  

So sorry my friend but I'm afraid the platter stays right where it is. At least that is until my miners take off and the thought of something like a new Onkk Cue becomes more than idle fantasy.

German chocolate! When the cake is just right, and the icing with plenty of walnuts- my favorite!
It really is delicious. Everyone who has tried it raves about it. Also super easy to make. Use more or less of whatever you want, except for the apple, it contributes a lot of the pectin that serves to make a nice rich sauce that when chilled is almost like jam. Do it right it can be used on a sandwich. Also thanks to the sugar and the acidity it will keep refrigerated for one to two weeks no problem.
 and Ocean Spray tinned/jellied cranberry sauce.

Holy.... okay dekay, millercabon gonna make you the holiday hero from now on:

1 bag cranberries, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 1 Granny Smith, 1c raisins, 1c walnuts, 1c sugar. Pour the sugar and a cup or two of water, just enough to cover the berries, bring to a simmer.

Dice apple, shred zest and then juice lemon and orange, add that in. Simmer, skins pop, takes about 15-20 min then add raisins and walnuts, mix real good, remove from heat and let cool.

Refrigerate over night. Enjoy the best cranberry sauce you or anyone you know ever had. This recipe thanks to my dear departed neighbor Debbie. May she rest in peace, her recipes live on.
Playing the damn thing for enjoyment is what I mostly do. Its in my spare non-listening times I think of how to make it even more better. My methodical, incremental, proof of concept approach takes this up a whole level to where very little of the outcome is left in doubt. It'll work in the hard time consuming case because its been shown to work in the super easy to try out case first. So it'll definitely work. The only remaining question being, how well?

Pretty damn well, let me tell you! First tried listening to just the tape, which all by itself was quite good. Tons lower noise floor, really nice detail, less glare, more natural. Active Shielding however takes it up into a whole new level. The power supplies had been connected but sitting idle a very long time so it took a while to warm up and break in. They were modded by Spallone, remember. New parts. Now though, wow!

Was up so late last night just playing the damn things lost track of time.
Oso buco is the best. Traditional rustic Italian dish, done right with red wine, shallots, and lots of garden fresh rosemary it is almost unbelievably delicious. This year I taught my wife how to make it. But only I know the secret to the gravy. A little mystery, the spice of life.
oldhvymec, Ever go fishing and notice, lovely beautiful blue sky day when suddenly out of nowhere you're barraged by gulls? Minutes before not a gull in sight, sandwich comes out, no time flat you're surrounded, stupid critters, really well suited to their scavenger existence but not a single saving grace beyond that, even their call is annoying. Now what do you suppose made me think of that?
I would immediately dismantle this spindle bearing and clean it as best you can before you start destroying it.

Thanks billwojo, you will fit right in here. Whole place chock a block with guys so eager to show off their know it all engineering vocabulary they can't be bothered to read what is written, let alone think what is actually going on. It was the original "silent" teflon that developed the rumble, which could maybe be more clear but is clear enough to a reader without an agenda. Others got it. Why don't you?

This bearing has been in service nearly 20 years. Its been apart half a dozen times. Each time showing the same very slight very fine wear. Each time. Including the times it was original teflon over brass. Also each time with tungsten carbide there was only the same teeny tiny little speck of a wear spot.

This may come as a surprise, but its a record spindle. It supports a grand total of 24 lbs. Turning a whopping 33, to sometimes as much as 45 RPM. Immersed in oil. Krikey, did I not include a link to the .... never mind. Common sense. Talking common sense to an engineer.

Waste. Of. Time.

Look. I write for guys who dream of having a really stellar sound system, without going broke, and who are willing to put in a little effort to get a lot better sound for a lot less money. I do not write for academic bobble-heads who blather all day about stuff they never once did and never will do. But like I said, we have a whole slew of them. Look you already attracted a couple. Like chum in the water, only instead of sharks you only get more chum. They will give you a warm and hearty welcome, for having tried so valiantly to take me out. You can all commiserate and lick your wounds together. Or whatever. Don't care. Waste. Of. Time.