What covid research can teach us about audio measurements.

Recent studies in Canada for patients with so-called long covid show us on how science and measurements and research actually works.

Patients with long covid suffering from limited ability to exercise passed most "normal" tests but it took a new type of test to positively identify a mechanism that explained why the patients suffered.


Honestly there is a lot of snake oil and charlatanism in our hobby, and I don't claim to discount that fact.  What I do want to say is that science doesn't rest with 50 year old measurements.  It evolves to measure and explain constantly. 

The reason I am personally dissatisfied with audio measurements in the common literature is exactly because of this stagnation, and when these fail us we trust our ears and gut for lack of better tools. 

Anyone who runs the same 20 measurements on an amplifier or DAC and claims it is science and that these measurements are all that can be known is fooling themselves into believing that they are scientists or that we have reached the limits of understanding.

And above all, caveat emptor!


Showing 4 responses by nonoise


You can always contact Admin directly by

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  • compose your thoughts, and be nice but accurate 😄

They always respond this way.

All the best,

No biggie.   Let it ride. 

Agreed. I've always been of the mind to leave everything up for everyone to see and decide for themselves, instead of all of this censoring. It's like they're trying to create a false narrative for posterity.

All the best,



You noticed that too? You'll find that some here seem to have an inside track with Admin and get posts they don't like deleted immediately whereas the offensive ones they started with remain up even after being tagged as offensive. 

My last two, which were responses to offensive remarks, were removed without email notification from Admin. Talk about a rigged election!

It's like dealing with the Harper Valley PTA on bath salts. They clutch their pearls so tightly, they have waffle patterns on their palms. And, to think, that a lot of the audio community reads these threads but don't dare post here because of them. If they could, this would be a much better place for audio enthusiasts. 

Maybe a DM to Tammy can sort things out. The last time this happened, someone else contacted her and she was unaware of just who was doing this.

All the best,