What concerts have your kids dragged you to?

My son just turned 13 and is going to see his current favorite band " System of a Down "at a local arena that holds about 12k people.
Theres no way hes going without a parent so I get the honor of taking him as well as one of his freinds in two weeks.
He is already trying to get me to take him to a "Foo Fighters/Weezer" concert also.
So what bands have your kids talked you into going to see with them that you most likely would not have seen otherwise?

Showing 2 responses by danlib1

Recently took my 7 year old daughter to see Raven Symone. I can still hear the girls squealing! My daughter of course loved it.
Speaking of Weezer- I was cranking out "Hash Pipe" and my 7 year old said "Daddy what's he saying?"

Man did I get a stupid look on my face ! I could only respond, "I'm not sure- where's that Spongebob CD anyway?"