What cartridge for a prime super scout 10.5 arm.? Budget $500

Just looking for any cartridge recommendations for a used prime super scout I just picked up with 10.5 arm. I got a great deal on the table but don’t want to spend a fortune on the cartridge. I had a Sumiko Bluepoint N0 3 which sounded great to me but I accidentally damaged the needle. The cantilever broke off so that’s done. On to the next thing. My system is a Mcintosh C50 preamp and MC452 amp with NHT 3.3 speakers. The C50 has both MM and MC. I listen to anything from Kiana Krall to David bowie and I like a good low end and good midrange. I’d like to try another cartridge since I have to replace Sumiko. Budget is $500.00

Thanks in advance
The Nagaoka are the most satisfying MM carts I've heard yet.  MP200, 300, or for the ultimate in refinement...MP500.  
I see the  AT-OC9XSL getting a lot of love in the reviews. While both are a bit out of my price range, I wonder how the Hana SL and the  AT-OC9XSL would compare? I like a lively and bass heavy sound. Not really looking for a laid back reproduction. I will have to give the Nagaoka line a look although with the ability to use MC carts, is there a reason besides cost that I should be looking at MM?

The Nags will give you what you want. You might also consider the Audio Technica VM750SH. I have one on a second system and it’s clear, detailed, and dynamic especially at low volume, and tracks perfectly with almost no vinyl noise.
is there a reason besides cost that I should be looking at MM?
Yes. One less amplification stage to get in the way of the music and more importantly, MCs at the lower price range are not necessarily any better than MMs.
Curious, why not get another Sumiko? What do you hope to improve upon?