What can anyone say about Quarter Wavelength transmission line enclosure design ?

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone experienced listening to the speakers based on transmission line enclosure design, as some people swear by it explaining that is the best think you could have once you audition them, as far as bass response \ impact concern. If anyone owned this type of speakers I would love to hear what you have to say and audition them some day. 


Showing 1 response by seanheis1

Ohm Walsh speakers use a transmission line. The bass has real impact and slam. Nothing polite about the bass it produces.

Salk Sound also uses TL. Never heard them but the bass measurements are impressive for the speaker sizes.

Quarter wave is popular in the DIY community. Tabaq is a popular DIY quarter wave design. A company named Kvart & Bolge made a really cool and low priced commercial speaker from this design called the Sound Sommelier. I have a pair and they really disappear.