What became of schubert, more recently aka jim5559?

I am posting this in the “Music” forum because the contributor in question is one of the most musically astute individuals to ever post here.

It has been more than a year since his last post and I wondered if anyone knows the reason for his absence. I hope he is well. He is missed.

PLEASE! Let’s keep responses on track.

Thank you.


Showing 3 responses by roxy54


You are correct about that, and I'm at least as guilty as any of intolerance at times; but as @bdp24 points out, it was a really flawed point of view on Schubert's part to dismiss the joy that others found in types of music that he didn't care for.

It struck me as surprising for someone who was a cultured man, but then we humans are nothing if not a collection of contradictions.


Yeah, I forgot about that part. It was pretty unbearable. And I imagine that you had am issue with his attitude towards rock and roll even more than myself.

He might no longer be with us, but I have no knowledge of that. The reason that I suggest it is that someone once said that he was in his late 80's. I guess that he was well versed in classical music, and he had a passion for Bach, but he was a bit ignorant about any sort of popular or rock music and flatly labeled it all as worthless.

We went at it a couple of times because of that, but then I just gave up and accepted it.