What are your favorite phono cartridges?

Just curious, what are your favorite cartridges that you now use, or have used in the past? Do you prefer moving coil or moving magnet, or some other design? Here lately I have been collecting older moving coils and have been nicely surprised! My favorite right now is the GAS Sleeping Beauty and the Shelter 501 II.
KMKarty....I absolutely agree. I had an LP, and now an LPS, and the new one is far better....much more musical....much greater ease....everything is better.
I expect to get the LP S soon but my provisional 'order'
Nr. 1 Miyabi standard (American version) and FR-7;
Nr. 2 Ruby 3S, Sony XL 88 and Phase Tech P-3G;
Nr. 3 Genesis 1000 , Dyna Karat 17 D2 and AT 180
Denon DL103R with Soundsmith upgrade, Dynavector DV20XL, Benz MC Gold, and a stock DL103R with wood body. My favorite by far is my Soundsmith conversion!:)
Nandric, Saw your listing of the Phase Tech. Never heard of it. Thought it must be vintage. Went on eBay and found NOS one for sale and also that it is a current product. It looks just like an Air Tight cartridge. Can you give the background?

Also, for a suitable bribe, I won't tell anyone on the MM thread that all of your fave cartridges are MCs (except AT180, which is 3rd in your 3rd level rank).
You were out of the closet yourself - 'running with the hares and hounds' on that thread. The Air Tight is designed & produced by Matsudaira-san who started My Sonic Lab and uses the same principles - generating solid output with exceptionally low output impedance - with a few tweaks for AT. Phasetech is a different company & design.