What are you streaming tonight?

As we are in the modern age of music I thought I would see how this fares.
We have threads specific for cdp and tt so why not streaming as it is a modern media.
I don't care if you stream Tidal, Deezer, Spotify, Paradise Radio or any number of internet stations.
I would like you to share your tastes and method of streaming.

Showing 3 responses by pattemf132

Alan Parson's Project ,  Tidal, Rune, to Oppo 203, Anthem AVM60 with 7.1.4 set up.


YES, Fragile, Peter Gabriel So -  via Qobuz / Roon Oppo 203.  Just killed my Tidal acct and went with Qobuz due to MQA limitation of Oppo 203. Happy with it so far. Similar content available between both so far.