I have owned at least a hundred components.
That possibly might account for why you haven’t heard anything that’s both great and cheap. I’ve only been back in this game for a decade or so and have easily gone through twice as many products. Despite my frequent gear churning I still attempt to seek out high value products with a goal of synergy. It’s possible you just haven’t been fortunate enough to encounter them yet, or you did, but they didn’t play well with the rest of your system at the time. It’s my opinion that never before has there been a better time to be an audiophile on a budget.
And it’s worth mentioning what can be accomplished through DIY. It’s possible to DIY a $1500 speaker that competes with $15,000 speakers all day. That’s no exaggeration. Sure, it takes some leg work, probably more than the well-heeled want to devote, but it is indeed possible to achieve great sound on a modest budget.