What are we going to do about Tele 12AU7 prices

so the prices are ridiculous,,none of us can afford these prices..so what AU's are we going to substitue foe Teles.
And dont say RCA;'s, I  dont like   RCA's and  Philips Miniwatts were ok, nothing great. 
I need something close to Tele. but at 1/5th the price.

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

So, wouldn’t the tubes provided with the equipment be ones that the manufacturer thinks are pretty good? 

Yes but you can do better than pretty good.  Whether its worth the cost is up to you.

For the relatively low cost of the Freya+, they could include other, more costly tubes and charge a few hundreds bucks extra, and people would pay that.  Right?

 Schitt is about keeping costs down.  It is important to them that they not raise the price by a few hundred bucks for any part.