What are the best headphones for hearing aid users

I wear behind the ear hearing aids as i have lost the upper octave sound over time. I currently have Grado 1000i which are great for comfort and sound with the devices on my ears. I am wondering which other audiophile type phones would work, comfort wise. I am pretty sure sennheisers are large enough but do not know about beyerdynamic, audeze, akg etc. All thoughts would be helpful.

Showing 1 response by mechans

No you would need the larger 701s or 702s with very forgiving foam i would give give those a try.
You might also want to consider a headphone amp system. Check out Mapletree audio. I think tht's how he spells it. there are many other audio sites that are dedicated to headphones, you should probably check them out. I just can't remember their names at this moment but somebody will chime in I hope. If not I will come back.
I love my headphone amp but the maker turned out to be a scopundrel who ripped a lot of people off! (that is highly unusual)