What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?

There have been a number of threads discussing the wonder of GaN and some of the individual amplifiers that have caught peoples attention, including those from AGD, Atma-Sphere, Peachtree, LSA, etc. Has anyone done a shootout against two or more GaN amps? If so, which did you prefer, and why? And on what speakers?

Also, of the one you preferred, do you prefer it over every other amplifier you’ve ever heard? If not, what non-GaN amp do you enjoy more?

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Showing 2 responses by derekw_hawaii

No more GaN amp info here, but I am eagerly awaiting your modded GAN 400 to be evaluated by yyzsantabarbara to see how close it got to his Coda 16 when using the LRS+.

@yyzsantabarbara  thanks for the update and no worries. Coincidentally, Roger's Magtech also has my attention, though budget and heat is a concern. I look forward to your listening observations via a vis the amps you have and had in your stable, and am curious as to how much heat the Magtech generate.