What are the alternatives for Kimber and Cardas?

My first choice interconnects for my gear is Kimber Kable Select 1021 rca, then the second is Cardas Gold Reference rca. What would be a third comparable rca interconnect that I should look for if my budget is strained? Gear: Plinius M8 Pre amp, Plinius SA 102 amp, Oppo 83 SE Nu Force edition.

Showing 1 response by artmaltman

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Steve is famous for his digital gear but his interconnects and speaker cable have an incredibly beautiful sound. They are definitely in the warm school of cables but not has strongly as cables like Cardas.

Also the original Audience speaker cables AU-24 (not the AU-24E and not the interconnects) are, in my experience, also amazing and in the same family of sound. Also they look really cool - thin black wire.

BTW, I like the Audience AU-24E line very much as well, but it is much more fast, detailed and neutral than the original AU-24 speaker cable. They strike me as very different family sounds - which is unusual for a single manufacturer. And both are wonderful, IMHO, in appropriate application.