What are people using to upgrade from Channel D Pure Music to play from iTunes

I have been using Channel D Pure Music to stream my Redbook CDs from my Mac. I use Pure Music from Channel D and have been loving it, but it doesn't support 32-bit architecture and I need to find a replacement. Any suggestions? Has everyone moved to Tidal or Qobuz? I find that streaming a lossless Redbook CD through Pure Music sounds better than any streaming service. Love to hear some ideas.


I have to go through my Mac to stream to my DAC, maybe that kills my quality.

That’s why I recommended getting a dedicated streamer so you can get your Mac out of the picture. 

Suggest an Innuos streamer.  Several choices depending on your budget including used ones.  Recommend Qobuz for your music.  I have a Zen Mk3 streaming Qobuz using the Sense app that Innuos has and it works great.  

What’s your budget?  This Innuos Zen is an excellent streamer at a very good price, and you can also load all your CDs into it if you want so all your music would be available from one source.  Innuos’ app is also best in the biz and very user friendly, which is also an important consideration. If it’s in budget I’d highly recommend jumping on this, and it’ll be a substantial upgrade in sound over your Mac.
