Tubes best, if you can make them work without hum or noise. In Solid, Luxman. Pass Labs or First Watt are fantastic, but you need to live in the North Pole: they still will heat up the whole house, though.
What amplifiers/integrateds do you like with Cornwall IVs?
I sold my Forte IIIs and moved in Cornwall IVs. I have 3 amps to play with, but because I'm doing break in and running them for long periods, I'm using a Class A Music Hall Mambo. It sounds pretty sublime. Later I'll try the 300B and PP KT150 integrated.
What do folks like to pair Cornwall IVs with? This Class A amp makes me think I should beg Santa for a Luxman Class A!
What do folks like to pair Cornwall IVs with? This Class A amp makes me think I should beg Santa for a Luxman Class A!