What Ampliffier And Magico A3

What is the best amplifier for magico a3?
Now i use two monoblock Classé Audio Omega with a Nagra PLL, but i thing that i need something more dynamic ... maybe something like a Spectral Audio DMA 250 or 260 ...???..
I listen jazz, french and classical music..

Some suggestions?

EBM we will do a shoot out of the Magico Q pods vs the Critical Mass footers any day of the week. 

If you are in the NY metro area please contact us. We know of of no other device which acts as both an isolator and and an absorber.

The reviews of the critical mass products all atest to the system alterating perforance of the footers.

This gentleman has a fantastic set of amplifiers and a very good preamp woudn't it make sense to have him try to maximize his system first before he throws the baby out with the bath water?

If you notice we have not mentioned other than him changing the footers any products which we acutally sell.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Hello Dave and Troy,
I will try all of it in the next weeks..
I'm from Quebec, an i can't go to NY at this time, but i keep your informations preciously.

Thanks very much for you for all those informations..
Thanks you all for your advices, It's very appreciated .

Here my Hi Fi,
Note that the acoustic panels are under construction and i never keep the grids, of course, when i listen music.https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_userimages.php?user_id=12369

I only tried other cheap speakers cables and it was very very good. MIT are very good cables, but not compatible with Magico A3.
So yesterday i bought two pairs of Nordost Heimdall 2 RCA and one pair of speaker câbles Heimdall 2. I'll get them today and i can't wait to try them...
Thanks again for all advices.
Happy Man! :-)
I heard a system with Magicos and McIntosh tube preamp / DAC with their 1KW mono block amplifiers.  
The sound was phenomenal.  Should be within your budget.