Well crap. After posting this I see you didn't score them. Not to worry as EPs come up. I saw a pair of 2.7s just the other day for $2000, or EP 3.0s for $1200
First, great choice going Open BAFFLE instead of cabinet compromised monkey coffins. I own Emerald Physics 3.4s OB with single 12" drivers and 1" polyester concentric tweeters
Looking at the review (link below) there are several things I did to my 3.4s that I recommend doing with the M3s
* get the XOs completely off the bases, and isolate from the floor (I use Machina Dynamica springs- inexpensive and work great
* Upgrade the jumpers (I use WireWorld OCC) and if possible the wiring to the drivers also. I am unable to do this, as the 3.4s wire is inside the baffles (Why, I have no clue)
As to amplifier: Depends on your room size and musical tastes. Large scale music requires a potent amp. Mine is an EVS 1200 ( Ice Edge heavily moded class D, using 2 AS 1200 modules, which is 600/1200 wpc, which I need as my room is volumetrically quite large.
If you’re on a tight budget check out the GaN based Premium amp @ $699
OR, Underwood HiFi is said to be introducing their much more sophisticated Voyager GaN amp at $3000 (scroll down near the bottom) https://www.underwoodhifi.com/products/lsa-electronics
Spatial Audio Lab M3 Sapphire Loudspeaker | REVIEW | Part-Time Audiophile (parttimeaudiophile.com)
First, great choice going Open BAFFLE instead of cabinet compromised monkey coffins. I own Emerald Physics 3.4s OB with single 12" drivers and 1" polyester concentric tweeters
Looking at the review (link below) there are several things I did to my 3.4s that I recommend doing with the M3s
* get the XOs completely off the bases, and isolate from the floor (I use Machina Dynamica springs- inexpensive and work great
* Upgrade the jumpers (I use WireWorld OCC) and if possible the wiring to the drivers also. I am unable to do this, as the 3.4s wire is inside the baffles (Why, I have no clue)
As to amplifier: Depends on your room size and musical tastes. Large scale music requires a potent amp. Mine is an EVS 1200 ( Ice Edge heavily moded class D, using 2 AS 1200 modules, which is 600/1200 wpc, which I need as my room is volumetrically quite large.
If you’re on a tight budget check out the GaN based Premium amp @ $699
OR, Underwood HiFi is said to be introducing their much more sophisticated Voyager GaN amp at $3000 (scroll down near the bottom) https://www.underwoodhifi.com/products/lsa-electronics
Spatial Audio Lab M3 Sapphire Loudspeaker | REVIEW | Part-Time Audiophile (parttimeaudiophile.com)