What amp do you use with your QUAD'S?

I have had a pair of original QUAD ESL's in my system for about 15 years. The amp is a Berning 230 which I love and will always keep. I'm curious about what other owners of this speaker use to drive them as I would like to get a but more volume out of them from time to time. My musical taste runs from rock to classical with a smattering of jazz. I listen to classical mostly. I have searched the archives but really haven't found much. Hope to hear.

Showing 3 responses by jsujo

2 Berning EA-230's in mono for 60 watts of triode magic driving some ESL-63's....I think I remember Berning saying that his EA's and Quads was his preferred setup.

I also had only 1 EA running in stereo for months and it was superb as well...