What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?

I bought a pair of Gallo 3.1's in September. I am currently using a Response Audio Platinum modified Jolida 502b with KT88/98 tubes, 60 watts per channel. Input tubes are vintage Tungsol and Valvo. I am, for the most part (audionervosa) satisfied with the sound. Timing, rythm, and pace is good, the sound is happy, toe tapping fun. Very musical. I had a Mcintosh 6900 for a cpl of months 200 watts with autoformers. I was dissapointed that there seemed to be no synergy with these two components. The sound was rolled off, flat, and lifeless in my system, in my house. YMMV

I am just curious what other Gallo owners have tried, what worked well, what didn't, and what you are using now.

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