What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way?

I have pass labs xa30.8, it’s awesome, but have no idea what’s considered it’s yin to the pass’s yang sonically?

Showing 1 response by audioguy85

Sugden (tired of saying it lol) class A seems to get it right. They have only been doing it for over 50 years. Loving mine driving my Tannoys....only 30 watts! Sounds like more to me. Seldom raise the volume over 10 AM. They (sugden) were the first @ Solid State Class A amplification. Sounds like tubes without the hassle. My tubes are in my Tavish phono stage. This set up works for me. Best I ever heard or had. Took me a long time to get where I am at, ain’t changing a thing. All I need now is my Linn LP 12.....someday...I highly recommend these Tannoy Eatons...beautiful cabinetry and fantastic sound for the money, just shy of 6K. Not into the monolithic color of the day speaker monstrosities available. They look god awful. I prefer the furniture look. If you need a speaker with 10 tweeters to get the high frequencies right, that to me is a turn off.  To each their own I guess ..happy listening...now back to those LP’s...😁