Wharfedale Linton Heritage 85th Anniversary

These are fun speakers.  They are musical and smooth. An absolute pleasure to hear with tubes.

I cannot believe how well made they are at this price point.  I'd like to wheel in a pair of Harbeths or Spendors (classic type) to have a shootout.  The stands are well executed.  Everything feels substantial and high end.  Color me impressed.  

I swapped out my favorite tube (7581A) for an octet of KT150s last night.  The Lintons do sound better with more power than EL34 variants can give.  
@big_katydid I'm also with you on the eq. I have a McIntosh MA9000 and use the EQ to either tame or energize recordings. Very useful. @jbhiller good tip on the KT150's. 
I would love to hear the Linton’s. I am in need of a $1500+ bookshelf speaker and these are what I am considering at this time:
Bryston Mini T-
Tyler Linbrook Signature-
Legacy Studio Monitor
Splendor Classic SP 100
Buchardt S 400
Gershmann Grand Studio-
Russell K 100
Kerr Acoustics K 300

Anyone personally heard any of the above speakers compared to the Wharfedale Linton Heritage speakers?

It's been reported that buchardt are cheaply built, with low-end off-the-shelf drivers, and cabinet quality that do not reflect the price.  In other words over-hyped...
@buddy1234what kind of sound are you after ?  
I have heard a number of those speakers and of those i like the Bryston.  however i personally would save or look for harbeth p3esr.