Well maybe it IS my hearing

Hi everyone,
Lately I've gotten into some lively debates. One thing which I'm afraid we don't take into account enough is our own personal hearing. Truth is there's now way I can hear like I did when I was 20 something. So, quite likely I hear very differently than other A'goners. Just because I personally can't hear a difference in a power cable / tweak doesn't mean you don't. I don't make that claim. 

However I think it is also unfair to accuse me of having an agenda if I can't.

Lastly, if I can't hear a difference, the financial value I place on a more expensive tweak = zero. That's just the way my wallet operates. I'm not buying to impress others. My stereo is not my Mistress whom I must serve with more and more expensive shoes.  I just made her a very pretty red and carbon fiber and aluminum power and she's going to have to be happy with that.

I do take exception to over broad, fact less claims of performance however, or people working very hard to explain to me how wrong a person I must be if I can't hear a difference.

I think this is good for you as well. Buy what your ears tell you have value, and don't be swayed by crowds.


Showing 7 responses by erik_squires

I'm not sure. I mean, that's the point, to enhance the upper treble. A lot of people with hearing loss can absolutely benefit from additional output there.
I just stay with the crossover settings and interconnects I like music played on.

That should be everyone's goal. :)

+1 kink56 !!!!

That is the perfect post.

All I want to add is, does this training make you happy? Does this level of discernment contribute to your life in a positive way that feeds you and gives you energy to better engage your community and the rest of the world, or, is it a demanding God / Goddess with no appreciable benefit?

Like, fishing, at least you can share your catch with those you love. :)


I am going to call a little bs her on older audiophiles hearing "better" especially when it comes to tweets. Stereophile has pushed notoriously bright and ragged sounding speakers as "better" and more revealing. Of course they make you feel like your ears are 20 years younger! 😆

There is nothing wrong with music lovers getting a speaker suited to their ears though. 
A well executed loudness switch is a godsend for those of us who don't have the luxury of hearing at live levels.
I agree with the perception issue.

As I've mentioned, we can learn a great deal from Machine Learning and Deep Learning about how perception is something we learn.

Do I really want to be the person who can taste a difference in $300 bottles of wine, or one who enjoys $30 every week?

We do that to ourselves a little too much.


Thanks for the kind words everyone!

I’m actually running a Luxman 507ux , not the 509 with the luscious aluminum top. :)

I don’t see myself swapping a lot anytime in the future, I’m afraid. I am happy with what I have and need turn my attention elsewhere. Mistress Lilly (the Luxman) will have to be happy with her Louibouton knock-offs for now.