Weakest link in my system

Just as the title states.  What would you say the weakest link in my system is.  System includes. B&W Matrix 800 speakers.   Audio Research Ref 750s mono amps.  Audio Research Ref 6 SE pre amp. Audio Research Ref 9 cdp. McIntosh MQ 112 equalizer. Straight Wire Crescendo speaker cables tri wired. Straight wire Crescendo XLR Interconnects. 

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Showing 4 responses by audphile1

Cool thread. Some of the replies are entertaining. I’ll throw another funny one in…I’ll stop by, bring a 6 pack and listen to your system to tell you what the weakest link is.

all jokes aside, you have assembled one kick ass rig! If I was to be picky I’d say the speakers but man that’s stretching it. Those B&Ws are old but they kick butt. Wilsons will give you more resolution and more natural more refined sound but is it worth making such a major change if everything is tied together so well? Pretty sure changing speakers will trigger other changes. 

Room would be another honorable mention for an improvement but you’re already working within pretty much the boundaries there…only so much you can do. 

Shunyata is good stuff and they know what they’re doing when it comes to power conditioners. Have fun and try all different combinations of components with it. Amps and sources, then just sources in the Shunyata with amps direct into wall. You might find the right recipe with it or prefer everything without the power conditioner. It’s a cool component to try.
I’d be curious to hear your results with the Denali. Keep us posted.

I hear you. If ARC says don’t run these amps thru power conditioner then definitely don’t. But usually the Shunyata conditioners are passive design and aren’t current limiting. Agree though might not be worth the risk. 

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tattooedtrackman OP

766 posts


@ghdprentice  BTW. I really love classic rock and pop. R n B. Little bit of classical and county. If I was gonna look at different speakers It would be the Wilson Alexx V. Happy holidays!! 



Rock was mentioned as a preferred style of music. I constructed my response primarily based on this.

Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours!!! Enjoy the music!

@tattooedtrackman one more thing that I wanted to run by you after looking at your system pictures…I think you have a bit more room to spread the speakers further apart. They seem slightly too close to each other. Or may be it just seems that way on pictures?