"Watts" Versus "Current"

Can someone discuss, in layman's terms, the differences here? I've seen some high wattage amps that do not produce much peak current and some low wattage amps that produce a lot of current. Which stat is more important--watts or current--in terms of deciding on a match with speakers? If current is more significant why to we (and manufacturers) talk mostly in watts?

Showing 2 responses by mapman

Both are important depending on the speaker.

Watts will determine how loud the speakers will go cleanly.

Current will determine how balanced top to bottom the sound is on speakers whose impedance loads vary greatly at different frequencies, particularly at lower to moderate listening volumes.

In my case, with large Ohm Walsh 5 speakers, I swapped a 360 w/ch but low current Carver amp for a 120w/ch Musical Fidelity that delivers a lot more current/watt for this reason with very positive results.

The switch also produced similar positive results with my Dynaudio Contours.

Both Dyns and OHMs like lots of power AND current.