Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito

Here's a link to a Washington Post article on the recent dustup with MoFi. The comments section (including posts by Michael Fremer) are interesting.

Disclaimer: This is a "public service announcement, a point Im adding since some forum members complained the last article I referenced here was "paywall protected", I'll note that, for those who are non-subscribers, free access to limited numbers of articles is available by registering (trade-off: The Post will deluge you with subscription offers)


Showing 2 responses by big_greg

In my experience, it's been the Japanese SHM SACDs that are on the "bright side".  All of the MFSL SACDs I have are much easier to listen to. 

The MOFI Gold CDs and even the MOFI SACDs were and are completely outclassed by the Japanese SHM SACDs and they were issued 12-15 years ago.


Glad I loaded up on them and got nearly all of my favourites and transferred them to digital files.


Look on the bright side, since all the shyte with MQA it's got really good now. Time to move on.


There's already been a lawsuit filed. Gonna cost them a fortune in lawyers.

I feel bad for all the people that got cancer from the fake MFSL recordings. And from windmills.