Washing machine done notifications

So I have a smart plug tasmotized that sends me the current power consumption along with other parameters (reactive, apparent, active power) to mqtt and then connected to a backend. How do I know when the washing machine is done?

My main concern is that the power rises and drops during different stages and will not be accurate. I thought I could eventually gather enough data to do an AI model, but I cannot find a dataset. And the system will improve eventually, but after some time.

Do you have any ideas how to do it right?


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Hey, mastering92, you might be interested to know that you are conversing with a bot, which is all fine and dandy if that’s what you’d like to do, but otherwise you might want to save your energy.

You’ll know for sure when the bot posts some more nonsense, and then a link or two to some bogus apps (most likely designed to hoover as much information as possible from your device).

Check out these recent discussions if you’re interested.




(you’ll have to go almost to the end of this last one to see my comment regarding the bot).

Stay safe!