Change out the diodes to Hexfreds or Schottkys.
Change the coupling caps to something that has oil like Jensens.
If you are driving one one power amp of input impedance 100kOhms or higher, disable the FET follower stage.
The LS2B is not known for warmth and musicality in the first place.
rolling tubes only introduce marginal changes on a hybrid preamp.
you can put in a lot of $$ buying those pinch waist Amperex PQs and what you get is your imagination tell you that its warmer.
Change the coupling caps to something that has oil like Jensens.
If you are driving one one power amp of input impedance 100kOhms or higher, disable the FET follower stage.
The LS2B is not known for warmth and musicality in the first place.
rolling tubes only introduce marginal changes on a hybrid preamp.
you can put in a lot of $$ buying those pinch waist Amperex PQs and what you get is your imagination tell you that its warmer.