"warm" solid state integrated amplifier

I am interested in purchasing a new solid state integrated amplifier in the $6000 to $8000 price range. As I am getting older I am finding many amplifiers to be uncomfortable to my ears, "bright" is the term I see frequently used.  I am looking for an amplifier that is "warm".  Thank you and  I appreciate any advice I receive from Audiogon members.



Showing 1 response by derekw14

As a (reformed, with great difficulty) tube guy, I often find solid state components "bright" or more to the point not quite musical in the sense of not allowing to relax naturally into the music. One of the SS integrated I have heard (and own) that I prefer is the all in one Gold Note IS-1000. Even the standard version sounds like music to my ears. And the versatility/ convenience is hard to beat (integrated, DAC with USB/streamer.Bluetooth, phono stage, pre-out, choice of damping factor, remote control of course ...). Despite its middle of the road power rating, it will drive most speakers with gusto. An outstanding component and a fantastic value.

Good luck with your quest!