Warm HDMI cable?

Anyone come across a good HDMI cable on the warm side tonally? On the Cool - Neutral - Warm continuum, my preference is for the latter and in particular I could use a warmer HDMI cable for a run from an Oppo 203 with Oppomod’s HDMI/I2S card to a DirectStream dac. Thanks,
P.S. If you think cabling doesn’t matter or that all HDMI cables sound the same, please pass on.

Showing 3 responses by soundermn

How could an HDMI cable affect the sound by being "warmer" or more analytical?  It passes digital information... 1s and 0s.  How could it "edit" or change the 1s and 0s to change the tone?  I could see it being more accurate in the sense it doesn't drop any of the digital info, but I don't see how it could change it.
I can read, oh Lord of Audiogon. I didn’t say I don’t believe. I said I don’t understand how it could affect sound. Apparently it’s you who can’t read.

So unless you are contributing to my understanding or helping the OP then you too can pass on. I don’t see you contributing any way here other than trying to be the forum police.