want to upgrade spkr cables

I have Rogue Cronus Magnum driving Reference 3A DeCapos. Current cables are single run, Kimber 4TC...fifteen foot runs. I have a used pair of double run Kimber 8TC, only 8ft runs and need to be reterminated. Currently not using them at all. Naturally, for an upgrade, I thought of Kimber 12TC. .Opinions and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

PS... If it matters..I don't listen to much bombastic music. (except Mahler and Wagner once in awhile), but always at a reserved, polite volume.  

@roseofsa - if you can solder bananas onto a wire try these...


I can guarantee they will surprise you by their clarity, detailed presentation, spacious imaging and dynamic performance.

I've tried cables up to $2000 for a 10 ft pair and they paled by comparison

Regards - Steve