Want to try Analog :

I've got a fairly nice 2 channel, 5.1 system based around Martin Logan Odyssey Speakers, Sunfire Cinema Grand Amp, Nuforce Avp 16 receiver, which doesn't have a phono stage, Benchmark DAC-1 and a Theta data basic II cd transport. I think it sounds pretty good.

My dad recently gave me about 150 albums of mine from a long time ago and most of his, but I don't have TT.

Been reading alot of the posts in the archives to get my feet wet but feel that maybe I could get a little more help from you guys on what to buy based around my present system. I kind of only want to buy used and don't want to get crazy. I've got a lot into my system already, for me at least, and just want to try it out to see if I get the bug. I don't mind tweaking, actually I like it, but if I don't have too, that would be great, as I'm not at all familiar this area of audio.

Budget is around 500.00, tops $1,500.00

Any help on a system, phone stage, TT, cart that would match well with each other and with my system would be greatly appreciated.
The Rega P3-24 + Exact 2 + TT PSU is one of the best under $2000 turntables packages on the market!

To start you could add a Rega Fono MM pre for about $350 US!

When you've decided that you really like analog, you can always go up from there....
Looking for a 1200 but they seem to have gone up alot in price. Around 500.00 used and maybe would need a new cart. Could I ask if anybody has compared the 1200 to maybe a REGA P3-24 with an Exact 2. I know that the Rega is more expensive but is it alot better? Much appreciated.
How would the x-lps compare to the 640p or a Bugle phono. Would vpi also be in the mix? And do any of these TT's play 78's?
I was looking at a PRO-JECT RM-9.
You will get lots advise on Turntables. The big three will be Rega, Project and Technics. All good. A good phono pre-amp is all important. I use to have Musical Fidelity X-LPS v3 phono preamp before getting a full function pre-amp. I would have saved myself a lot of time and money if I'd started with it. Great unit.
Good luck
Make it easy on your self. Find a Denon 47F with a Denon 160 cartridge. No fussy set up, just great analog sound. If that pleases you, move up. General the 47F is about $250. It was some automated features, hence the 'f' designation. Enough to really get started without much hassle.
A great starting point is the Rega P3. It's affordable and easy to setup. I've used several with the Naim LineStage with excellent results. Cartridges are like speakers, very subjective. I highly recommend finding a dealer that specializes in analog and spend some time listening. The worse thing you can do is get a setup that doesn't show how good analog can sound.