wandering azimuth on Well Tempered Table

I am constantly having to correct the azimuth on the Well Tempered Amadeus G.T.A. table.  Running a Hana ML cartridge.  Anyone have the same experience and have ideas to offer to resolve?


sebrof: Thank you for that information.  If I set the azimuth while the tonearm is on the support, and then allow it to settle, will it be the same azimuth when the cartridge is on the vinyl?  Once the azimuth is set and settled, will it hold from record to record?

I’ve had the Amadeus MKII for years. The arm takes time to settle if you adjust azimuth, like maybe a few minutes. I always adjust and then wait and check, repeat, but once it is set there really isn’t anything that can move on its own. My guess is you are adjusting to “good” and unbeknownst to you it is still settling so when you check again it appears that it has shifted. 

Another bad arm design. Free to move in all planes. Sell the turntable because you can't change the arm. Get a turntable with a proper four-point gimbel arm.