Walmart pushing blu-ray

I'm watching the NFL on Fox and there have been a number of Walmart commercials solely pushing blu-ray players. Walmarts considerable weight behind the format is certainly good news for the future of the format.

Showing 1 response by magfan

WalMart up the street has 2 BR players for about 230$+tax. Low end stuff, but serviceable.

Personally, I won't jump in until this settles out more. While I was the first kid on the block to own a CD player...I still have my original Philips/Magnevox FD1000, BR is simply too much and not stable.
The Cheap players you still are into it for 400$ for a new / top player.
The solution may be to wait for OPPO. My 981 is perfect.
At that point, I go with NetFlix so I won't own many BR disks.
THAN to top it off, I'll need a BR drive for my confuser and the appropriate software.